Cydney Frye is a master at working with children vocally. In these two different fun classes she will work on proper vocal warm ups, timing, working with group vocals and proper technique.
This class will apply the principles and techniques on a deeper level that the student was introduced to and experienced in ACTING FOR THE CAMERA I. Further performance opportunities include film and television scenes with individual performance exercises that will benefit the actor in both the preparation for the audition and in the audition itself.
This is an advanced audition only class for the working actor. Through various advanced techniques students will learn how to truly find what works for them and how to audition with confidence. Class will focus on monologues, scene study, character analysis, subtext and more.
This class is a part of our Triple Threat program and for anyone wanting to learn how the music industry works. Students will work on vocal technique, how to rock a stage, mic control, behind the scenes, and how to create their own brand and buzz! This class is a wonderful opportunity for the student that wants to take their training further than just the classroom.
We now offer weekly online classes in acting and voice! These classes are unlimited so for one low price you can take as much as you like!
This class is for our little ones 4 to 7 year olds. We will cover different aspects of the industry so these up and coming entertainers know where their interests are. We will cover runway, photo-movement, basic on camera and stage technique, singing, movement skills and much more! This class will be a fun and entertaining class but will have these tots ready for the industry.
Say YES! Learn the improv basics of saying "YES!" to your partner and building a scene together! And of course, have fun doing it! Grow individually and grow as a group as you do the improv work with your classmates in an assortment of short and long-form exercises. Unscripted acting will help anyone not only interested in unscripted acting, but anyone who wants to gain comfort in front of people for their professional and personal goals.
Our Musical Theatre program is passionate about teaching singing techniques that will promote vocal health and longevity, as well as instilling the importance of acting technique. Many musical theatre programs focus only on performer charisma and vocal volume, neither of which will sustain the performer in high school or college (or beyond!). Students begin their voice training by developing proper breathing habits and posture, gradually building their technique with proper sound placement, mouth shapes and vocal dynamics working to produce clear, full singing voices. They also learn to create sustainable characters and to make motivated character choices on stage.
Talent INC has its finger on the pulse of the entertainment industry and we train our students to be the best and most professional as they work toward a career in entertainment. If your child's goal is to be a dancer or singer we want to give them the training and opportunities to help them excel. We have connections to top music industry professionals. Our students can be seen in Broadway shows, music videos and reality shows. This is an audition only group of singers and dancers between the ages of 7 to 17. We will have weekly group rehearsals and will perform at local events.
This class will focus on acting for film and television. Techniques founded in Stanislavsky, Meisner, Practical Aesthetics, etc.. will be utilized to encourage each actor to find and exercise their individuality by responding truthfully with their acting partner off-screen. Work will be made up of short scripts from plays, films, and audition pieces. Get comfortable by working with others and make progress week by week as you act in front of the camera for your professional and/or personal goals. Acting is beneficial for everyone professionally and personally, whether or not you speak publicly, acting helps your interpersonal communications.
Dillon Mann is a professional actor and also works regularly on the production side. He will be bringing his knowledge of both sides of the camera to our teens. During this class students will learn how to write, act in, direct and edit their own short films for social media as well as their casting sites. Learning how to create your own content is a very valuable tool in today's industry!
Katrina is a professional model, coach and consultant. Models will learn runway walk, photo-movement, posing and how to start your portfolio. The Studio will be offering opportunities for our models to walk in local fashion shows as well as meet with professional model scouts and agents.
We are excited to now offer morning classes for our homeschool friends! We will offer Acting for the Camera as a part of our online curriculum. Please call the studio or email dillonnthestudio@gmail.com for more information.